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Tuesday 1 March 2022

Virtual Team Building Games

The work lifestyle has changed and we are now in an era of WFH. The traditional style of team building through physical out bound activities are now being replaced by virtual team bonding activities, a need of the hour. I have mentioned few that I have engaged my audiences with, I request you to comment on these games and provide inputs on other such games that can be effectively played over the virtual medium.

1) Do you mean…?

A highly interactive virtual event played by a group of upto 30 members. It’s a highly self-initiated game that helps to bring out the hidden humorous factor of an individual. The team members must make a different meaning out of every statement his teammate says. Each team member could be allowed a max of 5 statements. The counter response that is most wittiest or more funniest based on audience poll / choice would be give max points.

2) Pixel Art using Google sheet collaborators

Colours make the human mind. A vibrant game using virtual colours and a great though provoking game that involves good amount of communication and collaboration amongst team members. The team’s pixel that closely resembles the picture gets max points.

3) See through my eyes:

This is an extremely fun filled game, where one member of the team is given a picture and he/she has to describe it using geometrical shapes only. The other team members should draw using paint or MS Power Point. The one that is most closest to the instructor’s image gets max points.

4) One Arm Distance – Open

This is a virtual game played with team members where they are asked to reach out their arm and pick up any item and show it to their audiences and explain about the uncommon applications of those items.

5) One Arm distance – close

This is an adaptation of the previous game where the presenter reaches for an item within an arm’s distance and hides the item from the audience and describes the uncommon applications of that particular item, the member who identifies the object gets max points.

6) Most weirdest dream

The teammates to share their most weirdest dream that they wanted to do but it is still a dream, and what suggestion or solution the other team members is able to do to support his team mate’s dream come true.

7) Team Antakshari

Unlike the general antakshari this virtual antakshari will be initiated by a song and the host will stop at a point and a wheel of fortune will be engaged, the name that shows up will sing the next song. It can be played with many variation  where the last singer can nominate the next singer or it can go by the name order, DoB or DoJ, etc.

8) Mystery Room

This is a highly collaborative investigative game where each teammate will be sent a clue that will help them unfold the mystery. 

9) Who is my team member?

This is a well-planned team bonding game where the host collects childhood pictures or home country memories from every team member and prepares a slide show and the rest of the team member should identify.

10) I love my Hobby day

This is an exclusive day where every team member will be given an opportunity to explain about the hidden talents that he / she possess and a platform to share his feelings on the activity that he holds close to his heart.

11) My best team member

This is a well-planned activity where every team member is given a questionnaire to fill out what he feels or thinks about his team mate and this will in turn be discussed without revealing the identity of the contributor. The one who is able to identify the member in discussion will be awarded max points.


  1. Amazing Blog. Without having to hear the sound of groaning to encourage your team to learn about each other, Indoor team building activities help everyone to get active and work together.
