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Saturday, 27 October 2018

Law of Attraction - The power of Positivity...

The *law of attraction* is the attractive, magnetic power of the Universe that draws similar energies together. It manifests through the power of creation, everywhere and in many ways. Even the law of gravity is part of the law of attraction. This law attracts thoughts, ideas, people, situations and circumstances.

*Practice Law of Attraction to your Life's Success*

*A research in California conducted by psychotherapists proved that Energy Flows where Attention Goes. Everything in our Universe is Energy.*

Thursday, 20 September 2018

IELTS made Easy - Resources for for IELTS preparation.

Listening test for IELTS - Cambridge practise session with audio and answers:

Practise Resource -1

Practise Resource -2

Practise Resource -3

Top Mobile apps for IELTS preparation.

The above are few of the apps that I used for my preparation apart from the British Council library resources. You may also try the other apps available and leave your comments for other's benefit.

I suggest you to use the IELTS preparatory books available at BC library for improving your score.

I wish you all success.

Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Data Analysis and Interactive Dashboards in Excel on September 22, 2018 at 6.30 PM IST.

Hi Everyone!


ITExpertTraining is organising a FREE Webinar on *Data Analysis and Interactive Dashboards in Excel* on September 22, 2018 at 6.30 PM IST.

The Webinar host *Tr. Basheer Ahamed Mohideen*, M.C.A., is a certified PMP (Project Management Professional), SFC, SSYB, having 13+ years of industry expertise in the field of Information Technology. He has worked in ample projects of various kinds such as Business Process Automation, Digital Transformation, Business Intelligence, Customer Relationship Management, and Enterprise-wide Applications. He has explored advancements in Big Data and Data Science and analyzed how the deployment of these technologies can help Government Sectors, Private Organizations and Corporate Companies in achieving their goals and in solving real-world problems.

*Topics covered*

🍁Using Excel as a Data Analysis tool.

🍁Learn Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts.

🍁Creating powerful interactive Dashboards.

Please click this link to register for the webinar and to get access to the WebEx Meeting Link:

Please join the WhatsApp group to receive further notifications:


Thursday, 13 September 2018

Webinar - VMWare Data Center Virtualization on September 15, 2018 from 7 PM to 7.45 PM IST.

Hi Everyone!


ITExpertTraining is organising a FREE online Webinar on the topic *VMWare Data Center Virtualization* on September 15, 2018 from 7 PM to 7.45 PM IST.

The Webinar host - *Tr. Riyasath Safran* is an MCSE, CCNA and VMWare Certified Professional having 10+ years of experience in IT on Microsoft Technologies, VMware, Disaster Recovery and Data Center technologies. He has worked on various IT projects for Corporate Companies, Oil & Gas and Diet Care and handled Microsoft & Data Center projects in Middle East countries and India. He has also trained many students in MCSE, MCSE Virtualization, MCSE Messaging, VCP- DCV and VCP- D&M from basic level to expert level.


🍁Identifying the need for Data Center Virtualization

🍁Describing the components and features of vSphere 6.0

🍁Describing how VMWare products help in solving business and technical challenges with regard to Data Center.

Those who wish to attend the Webinar can register on the portal using the below link:

Please join this WhatsApp group to receive further communications related to this Webinar and also share the link with your friends who may be interested in this topic:


Sunday, 19 August 2018

Softskills World - Chennai Chapter Meeting on 18-08-2018

SSW-CHN Meet 18-08-2018 16:00 hrs to 19:00 hrs. @ Chartered Accountants Study Circle 2nd floor, prince Arcade.

The Participants were given badge to wear during the program.

An Invocation to being the day's program, seeking the blessings of the omnipotent, the Almighty. Prayer to the Lord to Make easy our affairs.

The Program Convener Mr.Ananth Chakravarthy, presiding over the meeting and reading out the agenda for the day.

Mr.Ananth leading by example, initiated the session with an Ice-Breaker, the participants were asked to share their
  • Favorite Hobbies,
  • Favorite Place on Earth
  • Favorite Memories
  • Dream Job, Are you on it?
  • Some Interesting facts about you.

Followed by Mr.Thameem Ansari, Professional trainer (Software, Safety & Softskills). 

Ms.Indra, Professional trainer, experienced in Airlines Industry.

Ms.Shyamala, interested in teaching, well experienced in Inport / Export Business & Operations.

Ms.Lalitha, Professional trainer, Psychologist, Counsellor, Special Education Specialist, Interested in Music.

Ms.Kavitha, Professional Lawyer, Trainer, Interested in social works, Scribe for visually challenged.

Mr.Rajesh, Rich experience in tea plantation, production Industry, plays a wide range of sports and interested in voice over. 

Mr.Madhusudhan, An IT professional & Trainer.

Ms.Susan, Experienced in Hospitality, Modelling, worked as RJ.

Mr.Bhaskaran, A self made man, worked with SAIL, was a resource person, has performed street plays, interested in developing the competency of rural students. Serving for the needy.

Mr.Ragunathan, Certified Professional trainer, keeps updated with the current Industrial changes.

Discussion Session in progress, on the ways to develop the services of SSW. Sharing their suggestions, grievances.

Discussion underway.

participants involved in a activity:

Each participant will be provided with an A4 sheet paper and a pin, he has to fix this on the back of another participant, such that all participants will have a blank paper on his back.
Every other participant should write one positive point about the person.

participants Queuing up to complete the activity...

Participants enthusiastically involved in the activity.  

Trainers conduct activities and when its a chance for them to be part of the activity... A free kick / free Hit

End of Activity....

Preserving the special Moments... group photo...

The seeds sown today for the beginning of a new vibrant association...

Tuesday, 31 July 2018

Nalla keerai

Dear All, 

NALLA KEERAI is organising an event to thank the FARMER COMMUNITY. This is being done under the name THANKS2FARMER and being held in the Chennai Trade Centre on the 11 & 12 of August 2018. Invitation is attached below. Kindly give a missed call 04440231343  / 04433597043 to get your Entry pass.
 To mark this occasion NALLA KEERAI has come out with a promotional kit under the title STOP @₹2000 per coupon. The proceeds from the sale of coupons will be used towards the THANKS2FARMER event.
Give a call to M Khan @ 9884978681 in order to buy the coupon. The items will be delivered at your home or at the Event as per your convenience.
Kindly support us in this initiative by attending the event, use the STOP products and forward this message to your friends.
Life natural farms , 13, Casa Major Road Road, Egmore-8.
Ph: 9884978681

SKPC-RSM- June 2018 Program Pictures

Retail Sales & Management - Training & Placement initiative by ICT Academy for the job-eligible graduates of Sri kanyaka Parameswari college of Arts & Science for Women.

Inaugration of the training program with Prayer

Introduction session by Mr.Thameem Ansari - Trainer

Inaugration of the training Session

Placement Session

Candidates with their offer letter

A Session in progress.

Thursday, 26 July 2018

National Level FDP - Application of Statistical Techniques in Social Sciences Research - SPSS

SPSS - Statistical Package for Social Sciences

SPSS is a widely used program for statistical analysis in social science. 

  • Are you into education, market research and wondering how to analyze and interpret huge volumes of data?
  • Are you a professional health researcher, want to know better ways to analyze the spread of disease and prevent & treat diseases?
  • Are you associated with a survey company, government enterprise or a marketing organization and would like to convert your survey findings into usable data?
  • Are you into data mining or a technological savvy looking for a career in data analytics?

Event Timing: August 2nd 2018 (09:00 AM - 05:30PM)
Event Address: No.1, Audiappa Street, Chennai - 600 001.
Contact us at : 044 - 2539 4279, 2538 7022
Email ID:

Participation Fee & ROI : Information on the latest techniques in data analysis, possible networking with Industrial leaders, association with one of the renowned college in the city, certificate, participation Kit, Lunch & tea all these for 

Rs.2,000/- 550/- (Rupees Five Hundred and Fifty Only)

Online Payment :

ACCOUNT NO:1153-155-0000-68533
IFSC: KVBL0001153
Please send Proof of Payment to email id -

Please complete the registration form:

Please visit the link below to process the payment:

or scan the QR code to process the payment: